Beverley - Recreation Ground
Mill Lane : HU17 9DH
Beverley - Recreation Ground : Map credit historic maps The East Ridings Museum Service describe the origins of the cycle track at Beverley. "Beverley entrepreneur Mr J.H.Hobson purchased four acres of land in Mill Lane which had been the old Crosskill's Iron & Waggon works. A cricket pitch was laid surrounded by a cycle and athletics track; the ground was walled and therefore an entrance fee could be charged. BTCC took on the tenancy of the new ground for £40 p.a. but aimed to sublet it to the Cycling and Athletics club, and Beverley Rugby Football club to offset some of the costs."

The Recreation ground on Mill Street had a fine cinder track that hosted popular race meet in the 1880's, most organised by Beverley Cycle and Athletics Club. The attendance at the Annual Sports was usually around 3,000 and the meets had the usual mix of bicycle and running events. For the 1886 meeting the Beverley C&AC decorated the grandstand with small coloured lights forming the letter B C & AC, during the bicycle races, Beverley Band played and after the event there was a firework display.

The NCU held the E Riding Championships at Beverley in 1888, at which time ordinary (penny farthing) and safety bicycles were both popular and separate championship races were held for both types of machine,

In 1892 the track attracted a good field including two "cracks from the Poly" who were "Harris - the boy wonder" and Leitch the world 20 mile champion. Races included the usual ½ 1 and 2 miles open handicaps and a 1 mile race for riders on roadster machines "not to weigh less than 38 lbs"

The Recreation Ground was also the home of Beverley Cricket Club from the 1880's until 1908. The site was used for various purposes and eventually housing was built.

Refs     : [120] [183] [p]
Maps    : historic maps